A new member to the gang, hot steamy weather and lots and lots of furniture!

‘It was a hot afternoon

On the last day of June

and the sun was a demon

The clouds were afraid

One ten in the shade

and the pavement was steamin…’

Bobby Goldsboro

Our new compadre Jenny has joined the gang, and yesterday we spent a lovely afternoon doing all the classic things you do when in France, eat cheese, drink wine, and dip in the pool. We sat long into the evening listening to the barn owl hoot, and it’s baby reply, watched the stars in the clear sky, with not a hint of any light pollution totally chilled.

As you can see there was lots of furniture in the garden because we have visited the Emaus again and have completely refigured our kitchen all for less than one hundred euro!

The weekend was manic, after purchasing our second vintage sideboard Rich and I worked hard into the night emptying the cupboards in the old unit (which will be repainted and put in the living room, but that is another story, for another day!) and reconfiguring the whole kitchen. All before picking Jen up from the airport the next day. We simply ran out of time and all the old furniture was just dumped in the garden.

My kitchen now looks huge and I cannot wait to paint the beautiful sideboards and give them a new start in their lives. There is something about old furniture with the beautiful detailed workmanship on it that cannot be replicated and I know they will look stunning.

I also have the top of one of the units that is going to be hung above my kitchen sink. Word of advice: Open shelving and the countryside don’t mix, unless you want to wash everything three times a week, and find dead heeby jeebies in your bowls every time you come to use them!

So this will be painted white, with the detailing dry brushed in blue, and lights placed in the centre, and it will look stunning but it is safe to say we have our work cut out!

So we woke this morning to a steaming hot day, real feel thirty six and not a breeze to be felt; and what are Rich and the girls doing? Moving the furniture into the barn! Les Anglais eh?!

My kitchen cabinet, that I painted all those years ago, has been moved for now, it never really fitted the kitchen anyway! And it made me giggle remembering how many things have I had in this space now: My log cabinet, when it was a cupboard, butchers block, chest of drawers that I painted pink, which is now green and in the bedroom! And my nineteen thirties cabinet! Poor Rich, he has the patience of a saint and a wife whose mind changes like the seasons!

I could not help with the moving because I cannot carry heavy or awkward things easily now due to the osteoarthritis that I have in my hands, so,bless the girls, they helped Rich carry this furniture to the barn, and unload the beautiful cabinet that was purchased a couple of weeks ago from his van. Off they went like the Marx Brothers, Karen being Groucho and coordinating the walk, left right, left right, left right, Rich being Harpo and acting the clown! Our neighbours were finding it highly amusing, and clearly think we are mad.

So after all the exertion we plan to have an afternoon of spa like activities and getting in the pool. All to take place after a few errands are run, and Croque Madame has been consumed…..

Followed by a banana split.

I’m the chef, it’s the least I can do!

Have a good day folks.



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