Innovation and Inspiration

This is the smallest house I have ever lived in. So it is fair to say that we have to be inspired in our thinking, we have to think innovatively (blue sky thinking, thinking out of the box all that old bollocks!) or simply just thinking differently.

So far we have changed our microwave for a smaller version, our butler sink for the new kitchen is only 60cms no draining board, we have to think smaller than we have before. But hey, is that such a bad thing in this day and age of sky high bills and the destruction of the world by man?

I have written before about how we are going to block the two doorways that used to be in use in our living room. The door that led into our bedroom had been cut into the chimnery breast wall, an original wall that is just over twenty inches deep. Originally we planned to block it off in the bedroom and use the recess as a shelving unit in the living room. But our bedroom is small, and as we have progressed and made space in the bedroom I realised I did not want to add another piece of furniture into our bedroom, especially something large like a wardrobe.

The Armoire in our bedroom.

The armoire that we had in the bedroom was way too big for the room. It now sits in its final resting place in the back room, providing a home to coats, the hoover, clothes, mops and bucket. A multitude of things. And it has been given a little dusting of blue to bring it in line with the colour scheme that is planned.

But that left us with a dilemma, where did we hang our clothes? And then the inspiration hit me….

Our New Wardrobe, or closet. I love it.

We measured the depth of the doorway, bought a rail and some pretty voiles and hey presto… A really pretty closet. We even have our ironing board in there! We have so much space in our bedroom, and yet our clothes are safely tucked away.

I love it…it’s coming on….



  1. Excellent work and all done in the best possible taste… but knowing you, I would expect no less… The armoire looks beautiful and it so doesn’t matter what’s inside, as long as it serves a purpose. Beautiful, beautiful and so glad to see the progress you are both making my dears! Big Hugs to you both and the fur babies of course. 🤗🤗♥️♥️♥️

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