My Friend Mary

So this is one of my drafts , from before Christmas. But this week ‘Life’ showed me the way. I knew that this post had to be my next post.

I wrote earlier in the year about a lady who, for the short time I was with her, enriched my world. In fact her belief in me enriched my world forever. It got me thinking.

Now my friend Mary, she is different, but the same. She has helped me to believe in me because she has always believed in me. But more than that she has often told me that I inspire her. I think it is the fact that I will be me, and am happy, now, after many years of life to leave people who are negative towards me, behind. When Mary met me, I was gobby, and would happily tell you to ‘jog on’, if you overstepped the mark. And that inspired Mary.

When I moved to France nearly 10 years ago, Mary bought me this star, she told me it was because she thought I was the brightest star. How lovely is that? I truly treasure it, and it now hangs behind my chair.

Over the years I have come to realise grief, and all the forms it takes. I didn’t realise then, in my excitement of a huge adventure, that Mary was grieving. I would no longer be just around the corner, to pop into when she wanted – How so unintentionally selfish we can all be sometimes! – She told me how she found it painful to cut down the Avenue I used to live, and go past my house and I was no longer there. That makes me sad even now.

So as the renovations have been moving forward part of it has been taking some of our ‘treasures’ down from walls, moving things around, and most of all sorting through the dreaded garage, and all of our still boxed up stuff that we rescued from France.

As I have done so I realised just how many things my friend Mary has bought me over the years. An angel here, or even there, a star sparkling brightly, vintage posters, beloved carvings of our Welshies.

Now Mary is no let’s go into a shop and buy something type of person, which is why I treasure the things she has bought me. Mary is a rummager, she loves a boot sale does Mary. So over the 22 years we have known each other, in the various locations we have lived, Mary has sniffed out many a boot sale. When she came over to France she was in her element in the vide greniers we would visit.

But as things have started to emerge from the boxes I have started to truly realise how Mary often had me in her mind. And now, all her things are around me, surrounding me with love, and making me smile.

She knows I love vintage. So she found this fabulous old vintage poster. It has been in the kitchen of my last three homes, and takes pride of place in my kitchen now.

And yes, the angel below the print was also a Mary find. Still taking pride of place.

I have collected angels over the years. Mary has had a knack of finding them.

The two most recent angels being carvings of Harley and Wiglet.

She has found eclectic, vintage, pretty, quirky, and every time she thought of me. I think she was trying to tell me something! No, seriously she just knew I would find a home for them. From the star bobbins to the beautiful cherub picture. She loved that picture, but she gave it to me, because she knew I would, in her words, find a ‘home for it.’ And she was right! Ever since she gave it to me, it has had a home, and has just been repositioned as part of the living room makeover.

When we moved to France, Mary supported us in any way she could. Letting me live there until I left work (it only took 3 weeks on Mary’s advice.) Bringing things over, she and Den helping us move from our rental to Montaigu. She lovingly had the box with Sophie our rescue cat, even though she had scratched hell out of her, and shit in the box!

Then a year later Mary met Boo. I had told her that beautiful Boo, a rescue herself, was probably going to be given up by her owner. Not good in France! Mary immediately stepped in, and a month later Boo Boo was in the UK, being truly loved by Mary and Den. She left them for Rainbow Bridge last year, after having a beautiful life. ‘Life’ certainly played a part in saving Boo Boo.,

But the biggest gift of all she has given me is her friendship. She has been there through some of my darkest times. One evening travelling over 60 miles to give me a pep talk during ‘the war’. Her, and Den’s support, got us through some of our darkest times, helping us to be here now together.

We have gone to different places now, Mary to Lincolnshire, me to Donegal. We are still in touch. But I still miss her.

As always Mary is helping to support others, that is Mary.

This is for you Mary, at difficult times.

Big hugs, and thank you for your friendship, and all your beautiful finds that remind me of you every day.



  1. Ahh thank you my friend, that was beautiful ❤️You are always in my mind when I go out a and see things I think Mois would like that.

    I have been thinking for a long time about what would be the best way to travel to you. Maybe fly into Belfast? You could look for a B&B near you? Seeing you always recharges my batteries 😊
    But as they say you don’t always have to see someone to know they are there, as you are the brightest star in the sky! 😘


  2. A lovely tribute. What a sweet person your Mary is. This inspires me to write to some of my best friends to tell them the things I appreciate about them the most too! Ellen A

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