There are no happy endings

I did have a post to share with you, it’s currently sitting in draft form waiting to be finished, but I felt compelled to write this post to you all first.

I have mentioned before that I truly believe that you should live each day as if it were your last. I will always remember an elderly gentleman that I met in a pub  once on my way to Cornwall(I know shocking and surprising that I  was in a pub, me in a pub? Never!),his wife had just died, and he was totally lost. Standing at the bar looking all dapper he looked at Rich and I, who were going through a rough time, and said “enjoy each day together, nothing is too important to stop you doing that. Don’t wait until it gets better, don’t bear a grudge with each other, today is the day to be happy because there will not be a happy ending if you are in love, because one day one of you will be left behind and the other one will be gone.”This really resonated with me, of course  there will come a time when one of you will no longer be there, and you will wonder then of all the times that you let things, big or small, get in the way of enjoying that time together.

In the last few weeks a lot of famous people have died those who resonated most with me being Alan Rickman, who I adored especially in ‘Truly, madly, deeply’, Glen Frey, I love the Eagles, and last but never least the Starman himself. I am sure that he is truly’ waiting in the sky’ looking down on us all, running around in our ‘lives on Mars.’ I realised that Alan Rickman and David Bowie were just sixty-nine years old, seventeen years older than I am now (sixteen on Monday as it is my birthday), Glen Frey was only sixty-seven.This got me to thinking how important it is to live your life the way you want to live it, grabbing the bull by its horns, and not being afraid to do something, for example me with my writing. Sod it! Do it! What have you got to lose?So someone may say no your no good at that, or things may go wrong, but if you don’t try you will never know and one day it will be too late. If I only live as long as the gentlemen mentioned then I only have at most seventeen years (well sixteen years and three days to be precise) left to live, really live, and by that I mean facing my fears head on.

There are some people who always plan for the future, and I know that there are people that read my blog waiting for when things go wrong. Someone said to me today that they thought that I was brave to show my ‘story’ warts and all. I said at the beginning of my blog this is about telling it like it is.

So hear goes……..To those people who are reading my blog,and there will be some, who are hoping that things go wrong, want to be proved that they we should not have taken the chance, should have stayed “safe”, I would ask you to consider whether you think this because you have stayed “safe” and you want confirmation that this is the right thing to do?Things going wrong for those who have taken a chance will prove to you that you are doing the right thing, being safe, and secretly you will be pleased at this. (I say secretly because there are a lot of people reading this now who are thinking ‘No! people don’t think like that.) Oh but they do. Some do. We have literally had it said to us “don’t come running to me when your bankrupt”. !!!!!!!

I would ask those people to look at themselves and ask themselves, truly, whether they secretly wish that they had been brave enough? Whether they are waiting for their happy ending, and when that is going to come along? Or more succinctly are you happy?

To those people who read my blog because it inspires them, makes them think, I say thank you. That is what I set out to do. Keep thinking, make change, which can be something small like just waking up each day and counting what you have, instead of what you don’t have, or something big like challenging the bully at work, or in your group of friends, or on the internet!! (Yes we know that there a quite a few out there);   Or asking  yourself where do I want to be in five years time? Or in my case’what do I really want to do’ and will I regret it in seventeen years (or sixteen years and three days) time if I don’t do it?

I am not going to lie that this month has been tough, as well as the cold, there is little work in France in January, although we are getting by. We have both felt overwhelmed at times thinking what do we do first, and where are we going to get the money from to do it. But we knew that the first year would be tough, we knew that it would be a steep learning curve, and despite it all we don’t regret taking the chance and living our life as if someone had left the gate open. Who knows what this year will bring.

So I would like to say a big thank you to  all of the people that I know follow this blog and give me such fantastic feedback. But I need to ask a favour, if you could please place your feedback on the blog site this would be great, as it will be seen by all and it is so fantastic I want it to be seen, it will help me when moving forward in my writing career and enable and encourage in increase in followers, if you could also share with others I will love you forever (sort of)!

I would welcome your support.

I also want to say a special thank you to the person who said that they thought I was brave, it encouraged me to write this blog.

Look out for my next blog, as so far this year has brought some crap, but some really good stuff too.



  1. Dear Moira, when I saw the heading to this blog I thought “oh no” what has happened but I see that the only thing that has happened is your wonderful, eventful, sometimes scary but very worthwhile and rewarding life in France, the don’t come running to me thing was quoted to us also but being a headstrong Aquarian I took no notice, in fact I thought what if I don’t go I will never know if I could make it or not and if I had to return at least I have tried, you are a wonderful person and like me you will make it regardless – live each day as if it were your last x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Here’s my feed back, Moisy. Love your blogs but not so keen to the parts that refer to the people who are waiting for you to fail.

    Maybe there are one or two, but you know in the main people are rooting for you 100% or they are just reading out of interest and are far to busy to have an opinion either way.

    I don’t understand why you give word space to that one or two people, even if that are waiting for your dreams to turn into a nightmare, why do you care? That have no influence on your decisions, they don’t stop from doing exactly what you want to do. So why write about them.

    I know you don’t write about those negative people a lot, so I maybe being picky in mentioning it, but you did ask! I just think it makes you sound a bit bitter and like some one who can’t let go. I’ve known forever and I know you are not like.

    so please can you continue to be inspiring, and use all the word space to tell us your story warts and all and let’s not care about the people out there who thrive on negativity.

    Love you and Richard tons, have a lovely birthday and try keep warm.
    Winter is the same as everything else, it passes. Xxxxcccc

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi Moira, When I read the heading “There are no happy endings” I thought oh no what has happened, but after reading your post I realised that the only thing that has happened is your amazing, wonderful, eventful, worthwhile and rewarding life in France, as a fellow Aquarius I relate to what you are saying, we are headstrong people but we also must be loved by all, sadly this doesn’t always happen, don’t give whatever or whoever is giving you cause to feel this way and live each day as if it were your last and that is enjoying every minute good or bad of your life with the gate open x


  4. Dear Moira, When I read the heading “There are no happy endings” I thought oh no what has happened, but after reading your post I realised that the only thing that has happened is your amazing, wonderful, eventful, worthwhile and rewarding life in France, as a fellow Aquarius I relate to what you are saying, we are headstrong people but we also must be loved by all, sadly this doesn’t always happen, don’t give whatever or whoever is giving you cause to feel this way and live each day as if it were your last and that is enjoying every minute good or bad of your life with the gate open x


  5. Love reading your blog Mois especially the changes you have made and the life you are creating. Agree with Nic no need to mention negative people as that gives them space to be heard. Happy Birthday my friend, enjoy and we will have our cake in March at a lovely french patisserie. The cafe au laits are in me! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for your feedback Nic, I do welcome it., and I do need to reply.

    Regrettably our experience has not been what you think, and I did say at the beginning of my blog that I will be saying the good with the bad. That has been our experience and so I will say.

    I am disappointed that I have come across to you as bitter, the main point of this post was to get people to live each day and for me that is to say what I think, I appreciate it won’t please everyone, but writing is about writing what you think, if I were to give a lovely version of everything it would not be true. I’ve bitten my tongue too many times, that’s not the person I want to be anymore.

    I loved your letter, it made me cry. I you want to keep reading.



    • Of course I will keep reading and maybe bitter was the wrong word to use, but we all know that there are people out there that live to watch others make mistakes from the safety of their cosy/dull lives. They don’t need the airtime. Plus those people are so closed minded your not going to get to change anyway so why ask them to consider anything?

      If the main point of your blog is to encourage and inspire people to live life to the full then keep doing what your doing because in the main it does. As you know life has its ups and downs , so write about the hard times along with the good. We want hear about it because you were “brave enough” to follow your dreams, even if some parts of the dreams are hard.

      It’s so hard to writing what I want to say without knowing if you are taking what I put the wrong way. If you feel that you need to write about those sort of people, then that’s fine. But as a reader and chairman of The Swindell Fan Club. ( badges will be available soon) I want to here you are living your life to the full taking the good with the bad because that’s what you set out to do, And not because you need to prove to some people wrong.

      And if people are inspired to do the same or similar and take a brave step they will know the pitfalls to look out because they would have read your blog. Xxxxxxx love you Moisy glad you liked my letter. I will try and write again soon. Xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Mois, Don’t be disappointed, and of course I will continue to read your blog! Its your blog you can write and reply to whomever what you want to, chicken.

    Maybe bitter wasn’t the right word to use, as a reader I was trying to feed back that I want to read about your adventures (good and bad) because you are doing what you set out to do. Not because you are trying to prove something to some one.

    As my kids say to me, #just saying. lolxxxxxx

    Love you for ever. keep warm and let me know, by whatever media you want to use, that you and Rich are ok.

    PS, I nearly went blind writing a much longer reply on my phone ( the font was tiny) but could not post it. xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Made me laugh, Nic, mad as always! Thank you for all your feedback Nic, it is the only way to learn, and I did appreciate it. This one however has really made me smile, perhaps we could market the fan club badges!

      I hope that this blog inspired people too, some have said it did, because the overwhelming message I was trying to get across is that when life is hard try and remember that it’s also short, and try and laugh through adversity. Watch out for my next post, coming soon, and you’ll see what I mean.

      Love you lots
      Moisy xxxxxxxxx


  8. Hiya

    As usual I find your writing to be inspirational and uplifting – no matter what the subject matter. Coming over and staying with you and Rich was such a great time and you both looked so happy with the decision you made, and so at ease with the lifestyle. As you say, the first year is going to be hard but over time you will be part of the French way of doing things and not comparing with how it is here. We’re looking forward to seeing you both again sometime this year. Just don’t let John loose on the mower!!
    Lots of love C x


  9. Moisy you were born to write and I always cannot wait to see the next chapter warts and all!!! I always smile as when we were together ( just in case for those reading you think I mean we were in a lesbian relationship Rich promise nothing to tell ) I mean socially!! Our debriefs after a night out and definetly by morning were more exciting than probably the actual evening but always came alive through your narrative (and I like to feel possibly my amateur dramatics assisted)! You are both a true inspiration to go do what most will only ever dare to dream! I love it so continue your adventure and have no regrets! You say about people passing. A week ago I lost a colleague at work she was 31 and has a 3 year old son…she died from cancer and in the short time she was ill she raised funds for a room in the hospital to help others.Beautiful inside and out she so wanted to live. Her story on HABB Website Hayleys story but warn you it is heartbreaking. So you and the old man were right live each day like it is your last!! So take the bull by the horns or even better his big fat bollocks and enjoy the ride 😀😬😜…I do not mean ride the Bull as that would be wrong on so many levels and I believe illegal !! On that note best I stop writing. I would be up for a badge 😀

    Love to you both and can you email me your address please hun’
    Enjoy your birthday and see you soon XXX

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Brady! That made me laugh in so many ways. What I loved most, you totally got it! I am trying to make people think about their lives, but love the support they are giving us in ours. Some comments people have made have made me cry, and the support has been fantastic.

      I welcome all feedback, because if I want to write I have to take the good with the bad, and the bad does make me revisit to see why people have reacted in a way, as it enables me to learn. On the other hand I will always write what I think, because if I think about others I simply cannot write.

      I am sorry to hear about your colleague, her sad story emphasises that life is too short, live every second. On that note looking forward to seeing you my friend, I still giggle about the vodka and turning all the lights off (now we are starting to sound like lesbians, nothing wrong with that if you are one, but sorry girls, as an old friend of mine used to say I do like a nice three piece suite. Eh Brady!

      Love you lots
      Mois xx


      • Lol !! I forgot that comment !!
        I agree each to their own but you cannot beat a 3 piece suite 😍😆
        I learnt the hard way and continue to learn that you cannot live your life for others!!

        I had those looks “this girl is crazy” when I went on my round the world trip….”cannot believe she is leaving that fab job all the benefits and spending all that money to go gallivanting !!”
        In fact you got it , understood my choices then and I remember you were the one who took me to the airport and as we hugged at Heathrow and parted in tears I was scared and felt alone .
        For a split second I questioned the madness ?!
        But when I told myself I could turn around and go back to safe and secure it became immediately apparent absolutely not and it was the best adventure I ever had 😍😜😎😳
        Yes the Vodka and lights out was one of the crazy nights (so many ) which started as a simple pop down The Bull for a quiet drink but one of the utmost classics for me was The Indian meal when the waiter asked if my friend was OK as I looked to see your face in the plate of Chicken Tikka Massala “of course ” I reply and as we attempt to make our way up a thin spiral staircase to the loo’s to gain composure and clean my Kings Road jacket which you had kindly deposited my curry onto , almost falling backwards into a table with the whole restaurant watching giving us sound effects like “oops, oh no,careful” but best of all in a rush to get us out they give us our coats and put yours on you upside down so your arms were restrained by your waist and we could not work out what had happened.the look of trauma on not just the waiters but the whole restaurant as after hysterically laughing which must have seemed like a lifetime for those around we attempted to rectify !! I am crying with laughter now just thinking of it 😂😀😍
        Apologies to others if these reminisces are boring as appreciate you had to be there
        I am sure you all have Moisy and Rich stories😀
        But that is why I love you and Rich because he came along and not only got the crazy but was as crazy😁
        But also his patience with us I remember on one of our Herne Bay walks hungover sharing our passion of houses and stopping every minute to point out fret work,picket fences ,plants etc.. We were on a role Rich realised this was going to take forever to get back so all,of a sudden he pipes up ” oh look at that one” stopped in our tracks “where ,what ?” he points his finger towards a house and goes in his fun,piss take voice “look at that one it’s got a roof !” Split second later we are in hysterics realising how we had been. I still here that in my head every time I admire a bit of architecture I hear Richs voice!

        But also he converted me to loving Gold Spandau Ballet happy memories partying 😍

        Have fab weekend and have you sent me your address?! 😍❤️
        Have a fab weekend and have you sent address
        Much love to you both and extended family XX

        Liked by 1 person

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